Transportation System Management (TSM) projects are also proposed to be continued or expanded.

Support Facilities for Metrorail, Express Bus Service, Express Transit on Managed Lanes, Additional Bus Transit and Paratransit Improvements.Proposed amendments may be for the purpose of deleting, adding, revising the funding, or modifying the scope or limits of a project.

May be amended at any time during the program year through the same procedures required for developing and adopting the original program.Is consistent with the projects and priorities in the adopted current LRTP.Is the capital improvements element of the current Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).Lists projects in groups by funding source and implementing responsibility.Contains other major projects that do not receive federal funds as part of the planning process.Must contain all transportation projects that receive federal funds.

The goals of Miami-Dade County’s transportation plans are to enhance the mobility of the urban population, achieve a balanced transportation system, meet energy conservation needs, improve air quality, as well as to preserve or enhance the physical and social environment of the community.