Unique trapdoor, fence gate, iron door, iron trapdoor, button, and pressure plate sounds now play in-game.*Removed the hotbar item pulse change as it does occur on Java Edition.Removed smithing table screen and category text removal features to prepare for upcoming changes.*Added creative tab icons from Java Edition.Enemies without bows no longer act like they're drawing an arrow.Iron golems now wobble more like Java Edition (Thanks, Non-drowned enemies no longer brandish tridents.*Vex wings, arms, body, and offhand item poses now match Java Edition.*Removed carried mangrove propagule, melon bottom, and red sandstone bottom changes as Bedrock Edition changed to match Java Edition.Water fog distance now adjusts over a 30-second period.Added lighter empty slot icons from Java Edition.

*Leather horse armor is now fully dyed like Java Edition.*Added archer pottery shard texture from Java Edition.On shields, tridents, and armor, the glint now uses a separate texture.*The enchantment glint is now more subtle.